
I’m a sober and awkward gal in my 30s. In 2013, I survived a car crash that I most likely shouldn’t have. That was my rock bottom. I’m now working hard not to screw up my second chance at life. I can be reached at soberandawkward@gmail.com.




17 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog by just searching for these types of blogs, Our sobriety dates are very close (mine’s 5/18/13) and it’s really nice to read through your blog after I’ve been away visiting family for the holidays and I didn’t make any meetings. I’m really glad I could read your blog and I like how you ever forget what brought you to sobriety in the first place. I often lose sight of that when things are going well. Thanks again and keep writing!

    • Thank you for the kind words! And congrats on your seven months. 🙂 The holidays have screwed up my schedule, and since I’ve been off work I’ve barely sat down in front of a computer. But I will be writing more very soon!

  2. Hi Sober and Awkward,
    Proud of you for recognizing your bottom! I too had a terrible crash in 2007, and nearly died. Still, it took me 7 more years to wake up and truly quit. I hope you are feeling the support online while you figure out a new way to replace the lost watering hole feeling. All the best!! ~OTS

  3. Pingback: Life in 6 Songs: Vol. 11 (KC and Maurnas) | Running On Sober

  4. Hi S and A, My name is Nelson, I just began blogging recently and right now all I can blog about is my sobriety. Today I have 9290 days, I still count days and I also make my days count. I admire your courage to change and get sober. Remember you’re special, In AA sobriety isn’t for everyone that needs it. It’s only for those that want it. You and I fight very hard for our chairs in the rooms. No one is taking my chair away. (unless I’m at a standing room only meeting). I didn’t come in because I had a life changing accident, I came in to avoid having a life changing accident.
    I will be posting a 2000 post in the near future because I have to tell my story so perhaps it just like yours can help another drunk get healthy.

    This past year I jeopardized the risk of losing my sobriety. Actually I did lose my sobriety, I just hadn’t drank. I decided about 4 and a half years ago I didn’t want to go to meetings. My RAT FACED disease kept telling me there is NO WAY you’re and alcoholic. So I found better things to do than go to meetings, you know like watching brainless TV and sleeping or over eating sometimes not over eating but going to the gym instead to look a women in tight yoga outfits. No way did I want to go to meetings. I paid the ultimate price. I did not pick up but I may have been better off. (who knows). I became mean, bitter, nasty, ugly to my wife and child and most of all began hating myself.
    In January at the suggestion of a therapist friend that AI would share what was going on in my life stopped me from talking and suggested doing 90 in 90. by the way 20 years ago she knew nothing about alcoholism. she came to my 5 year celebration and later on told me it is good that I’m not an alcoholic anymore.
    Listen, I don’t want to do a blog post in your comment section but I would like to be your friend in the battle of sobriety.
    By the way please stop by my blog. Thank you

  5. Dear Soberandawkward,
    I am a Psychotherapist in Cinnaminson, NJ and have written two books to help children cope with and understand alcoholism. These books were written at the request of a client who wanted to explain his alcoholism to his young daughter and was having trouble finding the “right” book to do the job.
    “Daddy’s Disease” and “Mommy’s Disease” have been on the cover of the “Courier Post”, featured on NPR’s “Voices in the Family” with Dr. Dan Gottleib, and on Take 12 Radio.
    I would very much appreciate your considering reviewing my books for your blog and would be happy to send you copies of the books if you are interested. (electronically or hard copy)
    Thank you so much for your time and for the good work you do.
    Carolyn Hannan Bell, M.S., L.P.C.

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